Date: Tuesday November 14th
Time: Noon - 1:00pm
Location: Hugo City Hall
Lunch will be provided by the HBA!
We'll be announcing the details for our upcoming December Holiday Party & our featured speaker this month will be HBA member & State Farm agent Brian Burth who had a presentation for us on all of the updates and changes in the insurance industry this year. He'll be detailing out what's happened over the past year, what's coming down the pipe in terms of new policies, rates, and legislation as well as helping answer questions and explain the in's and out's of "Why did my rates go up again this year?"
Also on the agenda will be a discussion regarding the 2024 HBA Board of Directors including board seat nominations, an update on the current board roles & vacancies, and details on the election process as we solidify our plans going into the New Year.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!